Software consulting

New Technologies

Reliable partner in the implementation of new and innovative technologies. Expertise includes energy data – and time series management, as well as their forecasts. Blockchain technology and related solutions, including smart contracts and data strategy, are also among our offerings. Furthermore, our experts not only ensure the introduction of artificial intelligence, advanced automation of processes also create added value for you.

New Technologies

New Technologies


Smart contracts can be developed on decentralized hosted platforms such as Ethereum. These platforms each map a blockchain, which verifies its data consistency and security for each transaction by all participants in the network. As an alternative to Ethereum, there are also other, less expensive and more efficient platforms. Decentralized apps (dApps) are able to display on such a platform with the assistance of smart contracts and make them accessible to the consumer.

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Smart Contract

Pacta sunt servanda – contracts must be honored. A smart contract is a software-based contract in which a wide variety of contractual conditions can be stored. During the contract, certain linked actions can be executed automatically if a corresponding trigger is present – similar to prepaid electricity meters or a vending machine.

Smart contracts can automate many manual activities and thereby save costs to a significant extent. The condition of an agreed debt (e.g., delivery) triggers subsequent conditions by the other party (e.g., payment). The fulfillment of the legal transaction is thus stored in the program code for both sides.

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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence, according to the European Parliament, is the ability of a machine to mimic human abilities. These include planning, creativity, learning and logical thinking (Source: What is artificial intelligence and how is it used? | News | European Parliament (

AI can perform tasks that were previously done by humans because problem-solving skills are available. During implementation, all activities are recorded and a complex IT architecture with AI is built. The model quality is defined. This step is necessary to enable the comparison of human and machine in the context of quality assurance.

We integrate the resulting solution into your SAP system. Finally, we create a mathematical expert opinion for auditors.

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Data Strategies

The data strategy adopted at EU level results in the Data ACT, which is expected to come into force in 2023. This requires product developers to make the resulting data available to users. The disclosure of data to third parties, if requested by the user, is necessary. Data sovereignty will be encouraged by GAIA-X. Thus, a data structure is to be created within Europe which, on the one hand, is to meet strict protection standards and, on the other hand, is to encourage innovation.

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Data Management & Forecasting

Energy data and time series management & energy data and time series forecasting with EMS-EDM PROPHET®: Frauenhofer IOSB-AST offers solutions for time series management, market communication, demand forecasting, load profile forecasting and network loss forecasting, procurement optimization, optimization of power plant deployment and balancing group management:

The solution enables easy data storage and fast retrieval, as well as workflow implementation. The forecasts predict your energy demand in the grid, your load profiles and grid losses. This allows you to reduce your costs for balancing energy. Furthermore, the challenges of Redispatch 2.0 are considered, as schedules are automatically transmitted, and you have access to all necessary time series.

Within the optimization processes, decisions are made holistically, and technical aspects are considered.

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